Due to unrelenting pressure to improve business, African SME’s and entrepreneurs are constantly looking for avenues to improve business performance an example being outsourcing of the finance and accounting function.

Viffa Consult  Services is perfectly suited to help your organization transform into a high-performance organization that streamlines processes, maintains compliance and cuts costs, all while letting you focus on your core competencies and grow your business.

Viffa Consult enables organizations in Simplifying and standardizing their finance and accounting processes which is a key trait of a well managed organization.

Viffa Consult instills good finance and accounting processes enabling your company to achieve a spectrum of great results such as more information, more service and more cash flow which is the lifeblood of any business.

Services offered are:

Accounting outsourcing services Viffa Consult will support your organization in payroll management, accounts receivable and payable management.

Financial and management reporting Viffa Consult will support your organization in monthly, quarterly and annual accrual based financial statement reporting, routine functional reporting i.e. aging analysis, cash forecast.

We also support companies on monthly management reporting on project profitability reports, metrics and key performance indicators, ratios and trending reports and product profitability reports.

Strategic Financial Management Viffa supports companies in cash management, budget preparation, financial modeling, financial assistance (Private Equity, Venture Capital), risk management and currency risk management.

Systems Design, Setup and Management Viffa Consult has capabilities in developing new accounting database design and setup, chart of accounts setup, accounting system process documentation, accounting policy and procedures manual , Internal control system design and documentation  ,workflow System management  and  hosted accounting software for your company

Tax and Regulatory Viffa Consult enables individuals and organization in end to end tax management from by enabling clients develop tax plans and compliance to regulations in Kenya.