Many SME’s managers and entrepreneurs know the frustration of spending more time than they want or should on non-revenue-generating activities such as payroll and human resource management.

Entrepreneurs can spend up to 40 percent of their precious day engaged in these necessary but time consuming tasks.

Viffa Consult provides support in taking away the burden of managing human resource and leaving the organization to concentrate on more important issues.

People are an important resource and mastering the art of how to manage people to ensure that they too become a key factor of production is key. Many organizations fail to strike this balance.

Unfortunately, most SME managers and entrepreneurs feel that they know too well how to manage Human Resource,  although this is a commendable move, it mostly ends up taking much of their time and may lead to serious disaster and costs the business huge sums of money in one way or another.

Services Offered

HR Expert outsourcing 

Viffa Consult provides an expert HR Consultant(s), depending on the needs and size of the organization, who will be running the clients HR Function / Department either on a full-time basis or on a Scheduled Visitation Programme.

Viffa Consult will assign / deploy a Viffa Consult HR Relationship Manager to attend to / manage your HR function.

As a client you will benefit from Viffa Consult combined HR experience. Simply put, companies that outsource their HR function to Viffa Consult  pay the fee of a HR officer but get the support and experience the support  of an HR director.

If your HR costs are high or you are not happy with the quality of HR support you receive currently from your in-house then Functional (In-plant) HR Outsourcing to Viffa Consult is your answer.

HR Outsourcing

Viffa Consult takes over the engagement and management of the human resource of an organization.

HR outsourcing will normally include management and administration of payroll from processing to paying out staff. With this service, Viffa Consult removes the burden of you managing and worrying about how to manage people.

Our experienced HR Outsourcing Consultants will manage all HR issues including recruitment, preparation of contracts, embedding and enforcing the HR Policies, discipline, management and administration of payroll etc. You get more for less.  Is this your Core Business? Outsourcing your HR to Viffa Consult surely leaves you to concentrate on what is CORE to your business and allows you room to grow.